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Biden SEAL Team 6s Trump

Biden commanded the mission to apprehend and/or assassinate Trump. He thought it was the only honorable thing to do and they even added a tactical ramp to the Blackhawk to make it more accessible for him. He still got on all the gear to look cool, and for photos, but it was largely for show. The operators in theater would be the SEALs, he was just along to make it official.  An Official Act.  Within an hour of dust off they were hovering over Mar a Lago, peering down at Trump on his fairway through high powered scopes. After a lot of noise and choice words from the groundskeeper, the team was on the ground and had Trump in custody and at their pleasure.  "Here's the deal, buddy," explained Biden, "I'm a fair man, so we're going to golf this awful course for your life. I've got Baker team on hole 18, digging you a shallow grave, but if you can come in under par with a 6 handicap I will personally commute your death sentence to life in Gitmo. Hell, we'v

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