The Africa Solution

The problems in Africa are vast and unpleasant. I've got a solution for at least one of their biggest problems: AIDS. What a horrible horrible disease. But also a fantastic weapon. What the infected portions of this continent need to develop are guns that fire their own AIDS infected blood into their enemies [AKA the rest of the planet]. A simple CO2 delivery system fueled by an IV/Dart progectile would suffice to infect those unfortunate combatants who would resist them. Instantly the enemy would then become a brother in the cause to find a cure. Enough of the world is infected and either there will be a global plauge that makes the Black Death look like Chicken Pox, or doctors and pharmacutical companies that are focusing the bulk of their energies on the next erection holding pill [or my favorite, yellowed toe-nail solutions] will be forced to save themselves, and my proxy the planet. An alernative to the gun idea is a more sinister sort of suicide bombing that would involve pressurised explosives injected into key arteries that more or less pop the victim unto an unsuspecting crowd. I will not for a second maintain that this is either a sane, moral, or recomended solution to the problem. But fuck...somethings got to get done.


Duke said…
I recently read that there are countries in Africa whose populations are over 50% infected with AIDS. I really hope that statistic didn’t spike after June, 2006...